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Throwing a Dog Pool Party

Published On: Monday, March 30, 2009

Want a great way to spend a summer afternoon that your family, friends and neighbors – and even your dog – will love? Throw a dog pool party! That's right. A pool party geared to dogs. It may sound funny, but throwing a dog pool party is not much different than throwing a regular pool party and can provide hours of entertainment, not only for the dogs that are invited, but for their human companions as well.

Dogs at a Dog Pool Party

Socializing Your Dog
A dog pool party is a great way to socialize your dog with other dogs in the neighborhood or that you know through friends and family. And unlike a regular pool party where you may spend hours preparing food, decorating, and making sure your guests feel welcome, a dog pool party is a piece of cake! All you need at a dog pool party is a few dogs, a dog pool filled with water or a regular swimming pool that you don't mind being taken over by the dogs, a few dog pool toys, some bowls full of drinking water and maybe a dog treat or two. That's it! Dogs are easy guests and can enjoy hours of fun and swimming, while also providing you with hours of entertainment.

If you are throwing a dog pool party and are using only dog pools, you should make sure that the pool is either big enough to fit multiple dogs or that you have more than one dog pool out in the yard. The same goes for toys. Just as you wouldn't want a bunch of kids fighting over just one special toy, you don't need a group of dogs doing that either. By having a few dog pool toys that can be thrown and retrieved, carried, chased and rolled, your dog guests can have loads of fun without getting into fights.

If your dog pool party is taking place in a regular swimming pool, it is best to only invite dogs that are strong swimmers [See: Teaching Your Dog To Swim]. If there are a few dogs jumping into the pool and swimming around, it may be rather intimidating for a dog that doesn't feel comfortable in the water or doesn't swim well. The idea at a dog pool party is for every dog to have fun and enjoy the pool, so you should make sure that the dogs are compatible and will all enjoy being in and around the water.

Poolside Dog Refreshments
Of course, no party is complete without refreshments! But the nice thing about hosting a dog pool party is that all your guests require in the refreshment department is a nice bowl of fresh water and a dog treat or two. If you really want to be the hit of the neighborhood, you may want to even serve doggie ice cream or doggie treats from a bakery at your dog pool party, but it is important to check with the dogs' owners first before providing any treats the dog may not be used to eating.

Hosting a dog pool party can be loads of fun, not only for the dogs in attendance, but for all of their human companions as well. In addition to lots of splashing, chasing, jumping, and licking, the dogs are sure to provide hours of laughs for the people that get to watch their uninhibited joy in the water!

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