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What is a Dog Pool?

Published On: Wednesday, March 4, 2009

You may be wondering to yourself what a dog pool is. Are there really pools made specifically for dogs? The answer is yes! A dog pool is a pool that is designed specifically for the enjoyment of your dog. There are many different types of pools available to pet owners, and although some dog pool styles may resemble kiddie pools, there are specific features of a dog pool that make it different from your average kiddie pool.

What is a dog pool?

What makes a dog pool different from the pool your kids play in on a hot summer day is primarily the materials that the dog pool is made of, and the ease of entrance and exit for your canine friend in and out of the pool, in comparison to a kiddie pool. Although there are many different styles of dog pools available, (link to dog pool styles article) one aspect that is important to consider when choosing a dog pool is the material of the pool.

Dogs can have sharp nails and can play rougher in a pool than your average toddler, so it is important to ensure that the materials that your dog pool is made of will withstand the activity level of your dog, so that it can be enjoyed by your pooch for a long time. Durability is a key feature to consider when choosing a dog pool and most pools are made from heavy-weight vinyl, plastic, or metal. High quality dog pools will also have UV protection coatings to withstand the rays of the sun on an everyday basis.

Another reason to purchase a dog pool for your loyal pet is that these pools are constructed with dogs in mind. Dog pools come in various sizes for different size dogs and vary based on the ease of entry and exit in and out of the pool. Depending on the size of your dog and their ability to jump, you should consider how easy it is for the dog to get in and out of the pool on their own and whether you want them to have the ability to do that. If a dog pool is left out in the yard and you want your dog to be able to freely get in and out of the pool based on when they decide they need a quick cool-down or a splash in the water, then look for a dog pool that includes a ramp or sloping sides so you do not continually have to help them in and out of the dog pool. Otherwise, you may spend your entire sunny afternoon catering to the easily changing whims of your dog! It is important to note, however, that if a dog pool is left in the yard and is easily accessible for your pet, they should not be left unattended outside in an area where they can get into the pool alone, in order to keep your pet safe. This rule goes for young children as well.

If you have a dog and a small child, it makes sense to have separate pools for each. Chances are that you do not want your child sitting or playing in a pool that just recently had your pooch laying in it after rolling around in the mud. Unlike a regular swimming pool, there is not much water in a dog pool or kiddie pool, and not many chemicals, if any, to keep it clean, so you should keep the dog out of the kiddie pool and the kid out of the dog pool!

For additional information on dog pools or dog topics please visit our dog pool article center.

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