Owners Encouraged To Show Dogs How To Get Out of Pools
Published On: Sunday, March 8, 2009
One very important aspect of dog pool safety is teaching your dog the best way to get out of the pool. This is something a dog needs to know whether they are good swimmers or not, because if a dog cannot get out of a pool, there is a possibility of the dog drowning. Even good swimmers can find it hard to figure out how to find their way out of a pool, so it is the responsibility of dog owners to show their dog how to get out of a pool. There are products available, such as dog pool ramps and dog pool steps that can help dogs stay safe in a pool, whether that pool is a regular family swimming pool or a smaller dog pool.
Show Your Dog The Exits
Dogs cannot climb over the side of a pool, so you must show a dog pool steps and remind them where they are a number of times so they can get used to getting to where the pool steps are on their own. Once a dog can get to the pool steps on their own, they are safer in the water. However for a dog, pool steps are not always something that are easily climbed up, especially when the dog is water-logged.
There are safer ways to ensure that your dog gets out of a pool. Dog pool ramps and dog pool steps are designed to make sure that a dog can easily and safely get out of a pool. A dog swimming pool ramp is an especially good idea for older dogs or dogs that have difficulty getting up and down steps. By placing a dog swimming pool ramp into the pool, a dog can easily walk down the sloped dog pool ramp into the pool, or up the dog pool ramp, to get out of the pool with ease. These pool ramps provide a safe and effective way for dogs to enter and exit the pool. Dog pool ramps are a must for dogs that use a pool for rehabilitation or therapy due to injury, post-surgery, or illness. Dog pool ramps are great for regular swimming pools, but can also be used to help a dog easily get in and out of a larger dog pool. They are also especially useful for above ground pools that don’t have naturally sloping steps but only have ladders to get out of the pool.
Dog Pool Steps
Another option to make sure that your dog can get out of the pool safely is to install dog pool steps. Dog pool steps are primarily used to help a dog get in and out of a larger dog pool, rather than a regular swimming pool, but some models of dog pool steps can also be used in a regular swimming pool to help a dog that is having difficulty getting in or out of a regular pool using the steps that are part of the pool. Again, these dog pool steps can be a good option for above ground pools.
Whether the dog is a good swimmer or not [ teach dog to swim ], this important dog pool safety point should not be overlooked. It is a great idea to consider installing a dog swimming pool ramp or dog pool steps to help your dog get into and out of a pool. Dog pool ramps and dog pool steps are an easy way to ensure that your dog stays safe in and around the water.
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