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Every Dog In The Pool For Fitness

Published On: Sunday, March 8, 2009

Keeping fit is an important aspect of human life and dog fitness is equally important to maintain a healthy life for our beloved pets. Most dogs love to run, jump and play. Some can spend hours chasing a ball or a Frisbee or simply anything that moves. But as with humans, one of the best ways to maintain dog fitness is by swimming. Swimming works many major muscle groups, maintains cardiovascular health, has no impact on joints and bones, and provides an excellent way to maintain dog fitness while also having fun!

Every Dog In The Pool For Fitness

Water Keeps Dogs Active
Just getting your dog in the pool is a great way to maintain dog fitness. Most dogs love being in the pool and love to swim. Just getting them near the pool entices them to jump in, doggie paddle around the pool, fetch toys and keep the heart pumping for hours on a warm afternoon. In most cases, you don’t have to provide much coaxing to get your dog in the pool. Simply throw a toy or two in the water and watch them jump in and swim to get it. Many dogs can continue this process for as long as you’re willing to keep tossing in the toys.

It is important that dogs feel comfortable in the water and have been taught how to get out of the pool, before just tossing in their toys for them to fetch. It is also not a good idea if the dog is not comfortable in the pool to just throw the dog in the pool, assuming that they’ll swim and like it once they get in. Some breeds of dogs are not good swimmers at all, and even breeds that are known to be good swimmers and are expected to enjoy swimming may not always want to be in the pool. So if you have your own pool, it’s a great idea to get your dog in the pool at an early age and get them comfortable with being there [teaching dog to swim]. Not only will the pool provide hours and hours of fun for your dog throughout the summer and other warm days of the year, but getting your dog in the pool will provide some of the best options for dog fitness available to our four-legged friends.

Hydrotherapy and Rehabilitation
For dogs that need rehabilitation after surgery or an illness, or are older, ill or fairly sedentary, getting the dog in the pool may be a great way for them to get some much needed exercise in a safe way. Rehabilitation centers use pools to help dogs gain strength, stamina and mobility. There are classes and even personal trainers that will provide more structured dog fitness programs for your pet. But when the weather warms, one of the easiest, safest and most fun ways to focus on dog fitness activities that your pet will love is simply to grab a toy, give it a toss and get your dog in the pool!

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